Sunday, March 13, 2011

what a relevation!!!!(apadia tak tau)

1st time saya ngaja di mana i could see little lightbulbs springing up atas kepala murid-murid.haha. you could see it in their faces!

ngarot apekah?

as much as i hate to admit, saya ni belum boleh dikategorikan sebagai the best teacher out there. mula-mula masuk dulu memang bekobar-kobar nak didik anak bangsa. nak curah ilmu di dada. nak nyanyi lagu kami guru malaysiaaaaaaa..kih3..

on the first day saya masuk kelas.saya study bagai nak rak the week before. ada lecturer senior lalu siap cakap "fuyooo,stadi tuuuuu" (okie, deflated gak time tu). then masuk kelas, pungpangpungpangpungpang.

"faham sume????"

*krik krik krik*

tu bunyik cengkerik la woi.haha.

okie lah.sedih kot kalau kita bersemangat seorang diri T_T

now it's almost the 7th week. saya cuba selitkan different things time mengaja. Alhamdulillah, the response was positive. (nak cerita panjang2 kurang rajin)

long story short, pengajaranya if at first we fail..try and try again. the ultimate failure would be in never trying. this is a friendly neighbourhood message to yours truly. bila down.please read this post okie. it was so nice to see them so interested with what you were saying kan?;p

*end of mengarotnes*


Qistina One said...

kat kelas kakak ade cengkerik?

Dilla Dwan said...


Ana Syazwana said...

bkn stakat cengkerik.sume ad..da cam zoo.kak dila bela...haha

Dilla Dwan said...

aku kan penyayang!=)