Saturday, June 18, 2011

hero saya.

back then..
i used to hate him when he wouldn't let stay up way past midnight to watch my fave tv shows

back then..
i used to hate him because he'd yell at me when my i come home late way past my curfew

back then..
i used to bawl my eyes out just because he tells me off for getting mediocre grades

back then..
i used to think he sets out to ruin my fun. to ruin my life in general.

my Ayah. the strict father figure of my life.
that was back then.

i know that because he never let me sleep way past my bedtime, that i am a the healthy lady i am today (and cute too, lets not forget..haha)

i know that because i was always scared of letting my Ayah down with my mediocre grades that i managed to be who i am, a lecturer..who would've guess??

because he wouldn't let me be the spoil brat i wanted to be, i am proud to say i can stand on my own two feet even when things get me down.

i love my Ayah. Even though i don't say it often. Even though i am still a lil' bit scared of you..haha..but these days i can see where you're coming from every time you spout your pearl of wisdom.

as i walk through the path of life, ayah. your words would resound in my head and take me through life's obstacles. head on with no fear. well, that no fear part wouldn't be entirely true...hehe..but i try ayah. so i can make u proud, the way i am proud to have u as my Ayah.

i love you Ayah. may Allah bless u..and take care of you the way you took care of me.

Happy Father's Day

Friday, June 17, 2011

Life in general... never fair. So, it's up to you to either make it or break it. Enough said.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sotong Sumbat ala Chiang Mai

Selalu sangat pos merapu. Sooo not on the right track to maturity.*sigh*. To redeem myself, here's something interesting we lecturers have to come up with every other Saturday or so to serve the community. Enjoy!=)


(but honestly ala Dilla kot.coz i've tweaked the recipe here n there..haha)

6 ekor sotong sederhana besar
4 biji telur
1 kiub pes tomyam
3 helai daun limau purut
1 labu bawang besar
Seulas bawang putih
Garam(secukup rasa)
10 sudu besar sos tiram
5 sudu besar kicap cair
3 sudu besar serbuk lada hitam
1 labu bawang besar
Seulas bawang putih
Gula (secukup rasa)
Garam (secukup rasa)

Kacau telur bersama serbuk lada hitam dan garam di dalam mangkuk.
Tumiskan bawang bersama pes tomyam. Tambah daun limau purut.
Masukkan telur dan kacau sehingga hancur. Tunggu hingga masak dan ketepikan.
Sumbatkan telur hancur tadi kedalam sotong yang telah dibersihkan isi dan cucuk dengan lidi.
Tumis bahan B di atas api sederhana dan masukkan sotong.
Tunggu hingga sotong cukup masak.
Taburkan sedikit cili merah dihiris atau daun bawang sebagai hiasan.Sedia untuk dihidang.

*sedap tak makcik?*