Thursday, February 4, 2016


Been a year since i last wrote. Selalunya bila tak banyak menulis ni sebabnya there's so much going on in the real world.

So what happened?

Laiqa happened. Thats what :)

Alhamdulillah. Masyaallah. Subhanallah.

I have a daughter now. I am a mother now. Rasa macam sangat priveleged to say those words. And syukur sangat pada Allah to have been given the chance.

I began this post sebab nak mengabadikan kenangan of my 1st born. Tapi as i'm typing these words pun i am at lost. Not for lack of things to say. But there's just so many emotions when I say her name that words just won't do justice. Heh, corny much? ;P

Sekarang cik Laiqa is almost 11 months pun. Which means soon the momentous one year mark will come. Wish i had written sooner. Tapi biasala, 1st time Mommy..kalut haih urus anak. Urus diri. Urus suami..haha..

The feeling of being a mother? Bagi aku, it puts a lot into perspective. Baik duniawi or ukhrawi. When there is a little being so dependent on you. Dunia ni would stop being all about you (at least for me la yang hari2 emo tak tentu hala). And dari segi ukhrawi you so badly wants to be a better person, a better muslimah. Sebabnya..kau nak jadi contoh terbaik untuk anak kau. Kau nak dia membesar jadi anak solehah yang jadi tiket kau masuk syurga. InsyaAllah. Amin.

Lain kali cerita lagi. Assalamu'alaikum.

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