Alhamdulillah. Laiqa dah masuk 1 year 2 months a couple of days ago. And to make it more momentous, it was spent in the hospital. She had a fever hari isnin lepas masa 16 Mei 2016 (Teacher's Day) which spiked up tetiba and kena febrile seizure on the way to the hospital. Hm. Total days warded was 4 days kat Hospital Tawau.
Febrile seizures are convulsions that can happen during a fever
(febrile means "feverish"). They affect kids 3 months to 6 years old,
and are most common in toddlers 12–18 months old. The seizures usually
last for a few minutes and are accompanied by a fever above 100.4°F
While they can be frightening, febrile seizures usually end without
treatment and don't cause other health problems. Having one doesn't mean
that a child will have epilepsy or brain damage.
About Febrile Seizures
There are two types of febrile seizures:
- Simple febrile seizures are usually over in a few minutes, but in rare cases they can last up to 15 minutes. During this type of seizure, a child's whole body may convulse, shake, and twitch; his or her eyes may roll; and he or she may moan or become unconscious. Children can sometimes vomit or urinate (pee) on themselves during the convulsions.
- Complex febrile seizures can last more than 15 minutes or happen more than once in 24 hours. They may also involve movement or twitching of just one part of the body.
Source :
In Laiqa's case it was a complex one sebab it happened twice within 24 hours. Alhamdulillah, bila baca dia tak ada kaitan dengan epilepsy or brain damage (which were among my worst fear when Laiqa had the seizure). Doctors and nurses pun relax je handle Laiqa after she had the 2nd seizure masa kat hospital. Ummi je gelabah lebih hanya Allah yang tahu perasaanya masa tu. Thank you nurses kat Childrens' Ward Hospital Tawau yang jaga Laiqa masa tu. After the seizure, Laiqa just baring really still on the bed with her eyes wide open. And it really broke my heart. Terubat hati bila nurses usap2 Laiqa and called her name. It felt like someone else cared too besides me. Maklumla masa tu duduk kat ward jaga Laiqa sorang2.
Nak cerita kronologi, tapi macam malas nak taip..heheh..yang pentingnya after this if she ever has a fever, I can no longer afford to go the natural way of just letting the fever go away on its own dengan pemantauan sendiri. Wajib menggelabah secara terkawal..heheh.
So here's a list of the do's and don'ts bila handle febrile seizure. Ummi kena take note sebab once dah kena, there's high probability boleh kena lagi should you have another fever.
What to Do
If your child has a febrile seizure, stay calm and:
- Make sure your child is on a safe surface, such as the floor, and cannot fall down or hit something hard.
- Lay your child on his or her side to prevent choking. This is especially important if your child has a lot of saliva coming out of the mouth.
- Watch for breathing problems, including any color change in your child's face.
- If the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes, or your child turns blue, it may be a more serious type of seizure — call 911 right away.
It's also important to know what you should not do during a febrile seizure:
- Do not try to hold or restrain your child.
- Do not put anything in your child's mouth.
- Do not try to give your child fever-reducing medicine.
- Do not try to put your child into cool or lukewarm water to cool off
Source :
Apa-apa pun Ummi berdoa semoga Laiqa takkan kena lagi febrile seizure ni and mampu handle demam dengan baik. Semoga Allah kurniakan kesihatan yang baik untuk anak Ummi yang baik dan solehah ni. Aminnn..insyaAllah.
Ummi sayang Laiqa.
p/s : hilang cincin kahwin masa kat ward. Sedih ;(
p/s : hilang cincin kahwin masa kat ward. Sedih ;(
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