Saturday, November 5, 2011

No Bake Oreo Cheese Cake

So, 2/11/11 haritu was the No Bake Oreo Cheese Cake class. Sekali dengan Ayam Kicap Berkismis taught by Kak Zila. Kind of a weird combination i must say. Tapi saya hanya boleh salahkan diri sendiri sebab saya yang susun jadual kursus tu. Heheh.

Resepi, as usual saya akan serach di internet and modify sampai menjadi ikut kesesuaian iklim dan topografi di Sabak Bernam ni. Apakah kaitan antara topografi dan dessert yang super duper osem ni? That's for me to know and for you to find out ;p

Okie, end of mengarotness. Here goes...


a) Biskut Oreo (2 paket – 274g)

b) Butter (1/3 buku - 80g)

c) Philadelphia Cream Cheese (2 paket – 500g)

d) Gula Kastor (1/2 cawan)

e) Esen Vanilla (1 sudu teh)

f) Whipping Cream (1 kotak kecil – 250ml)

g) Gelatin Halal (3 sudu teh)

h) Air panas (1/2 cawan – untuk melarutkan gelatin)

*ni gambo antara bahan-bahan yang sudi hadir pada hari itu..*

Kaedah :

1) Kisar 205g (1 setengah paket) biskut Oreo sehingga halus. Gaulkan bersama butter sehingga sebati.

2) Alas bekas kek dengan aluminium foil bagi memudahkan proses mengangkat kek yang telah siap nanti. Tekan adunan Oreo+butter tadi pada dasar bekas untuk dijadikan tapak kek.

3) Sejukkan sekurang-kurangnya 30 minit dalam peti sejuk.

4) Pukul Cream Cheese, Gula Kastor dan Esen Vanilla sehingga sebati.

5) Masukkan Whipping Cream dan pukul hingga kembang.

6) Larutkan serbuk gelatin dalam air panas dan masukkan kedalam adunan. Kacau rata.

7) Pecahkan baki biskut oreo menjadi kepingan kecil dan masukkan dalam adunan.

8) Ratakan diatas tapak kek tadi dan sejukkan selama 3 jam

InsyaAllah jadilah lebih kurang macam di bawah ini..Amin.

*dah telan 3/4 baru teringat nak ambil gambar T_T*

Sekian Selamat Mencuba. Kita bertemu lagi di sesi memasak bersama Chef Dilla di hari dan waktu yang sama. Okay, boleh roll your eyes sekarang..heheh.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Lama tak menulis

Lama tak menulis.

Sebab menulis memerlukan masa dan juga idea.

Idea sungguh banyak, mencurah-curah ibarat air yang terjun dari Niagara Falls (budget pernah pergi, padahal hanya sekadar angan-angan mat jenin). Tapi seperti terjunan air-air tu dari Niagara Falls, idea-idea saya juga turut menemui masa depan yang tidak pasti.

Masalah yang paling ketara, would be MASA.. Banyak aktiviti kat kolej, asal ada weekend senggang would jet off to hometown. Banyak juga sebenarnya masa digunakan untuk mengarang blog, tapi dalam kepala saja sambil drive ke hulu kehilir dari point A ke point B selama lebih kurang 2jam ++. Kerana itu saya sungguh attached dengan Pinky Baby saya. Sebab saya dan dia banyak MASA bersama.

Malam ini bakal bersama Pinky Baby untuk mengharungi parit getir longkang terusan untuk pulang ke kampung halaman ummiku syg comel dan manja yang terletak kira2 5jam perjalanan dari rumah manis rumah. Tak sabar nak makan jam pelbagai perisa.

Anyways, banyak benda interesting nak post. Contohnya, No Bake Oreo Cheesecake. But those will have to wait..Selamat Menyambut Aidiladha and Selamat Berkorban dengan jayanya. Amin.

Friday, October 7, 2011

2012 budget. ske sangat feel like diri tu cikgu kan?haha. bile listened to budget 2012 yesterday. fine, aku bukan cikgu...T_T

anyway, tq mr PM. boleh la better than nothing. maybe this is also karma..coz, before i became a 'penjawat awam'..i don't give two hoots about the budget. Tsk.

If i knew then what i knew today, i wouldn't have lived like the blissed-out ingnorant i used to be =D

Banyak dah berubah. Umur pun dah 25y/o. Perlu lebih matang sebab nak ajar anak orang jadi matang maka diri sendiri perlu matang.

Anyway, nothing to write about pun sebenarnye. A lot of things going inside the head about the budget tapi macam can't find the right words to say them. Let's leave the bantering back n forth to the experts. *sigh*

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

He's only a man in a phoney red sheet

Hidup umpama roda. Cliche as it may sound.. I couldn't agree more. Yesterday you were probably right up there with those who made it, tomorrow you may not be so lucky. Today you may be riding so high, you feel like you're on top of the world..but tomorrow, it could all be gone in the blink of an eye.

I am not being pessimistic. Though i usually am..this is just a reminder. To always be thankful when the moment comes. To always appreciate those who stayed and helped you through it all. The ones who stood by you even when the going gets tough, so tough you couldn't even bear to stand. And to treat those beneath you, for the time being, with the respect they deserve. Be kind to those you meet on your way up, because you might just meet them on your way down. Most importantly, stay close to Allah especially during time of success..just as much as you would during your time of distress. Just stay grounded when you sit high up on your pedestal. Don't let the arrogance of winning it all cloud all resemblance of the lovable person you used to be.

No one is invincible. No one. Not even you, Superman =)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sampai ke titisan darah terakhir..

Saya cuba

Saya usaha

Yang penting jangan putus asa

Tapi kalau dah jadi macam ni

Kene juga lah berehat sebentar..

hahaahaha..sorry ayah. dah la limited edition punye plug ;p

Salahkan oven and adaptor itu.

Salam Ramadhan.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

hero saya.

back then..
i used to hate him when he wouldn't let stay up way past midnight to watch my fave tv shows

back then..
i used to hate him because he'd yell at me when my i come home late way past my curfew

back then..
i used to bawl my eyes out just because he tells me off for getting mediocre grades

back then..
i used to think he sets out to ruin my fun. to ruin my life in general.

my Ayah. the strict father figure of my life.
that was back then.

i know that because he never let me sleep way past my bedtime, that i am a the healthy lady i am today (and cute too, lets not forget..haha)

i know that because i was always scared of letting my Ayah down with my mediocre grades that i managed to be who i am, a lecturer..who would've guess??

because he wouldn't let me be the spoil brat i wanted to be, i am proud to say i can stand on my own two feet even when things get me down.

i love my Ayah. Even though i don't say it often. Even though i am still a lil' bit scared of you..haha..but these days i can see where you're coming from every time you spout your pearl of wisdom.

as i walk through the path of life, ayah. your words would resound in my head and take me through life's obstacles. head on with no fear. well, that no fear part wouldn't be entirely true...hehe..but i try ayah. so i can make u proud, the way i am proud to have u as my Ayah.

i love you Ayah. may Allah bless u..and take care of you the way you took care of me.

Happy Father's Day

Friday, June 17, 2011

Life in general... never fair. So, it's up to you to either make it or break it. Enough said.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sotong Sumbat ala Chiang Mai

Selalu sangat pos merapu. Sooo not on the right track to maturity.*sigh*. To redeem myself, here's something interesting we lecturers have to come up with every other Saturday or so to serve the community. Enjoy!=)


(but honestly ala Dilla kot.coz i've tweaked the recipe here n there..haha)

6 ekor sotong sederhana besar
4 biji telur
1 kiub pes tomyam
3 helai daun limau purut
1 labu bawang besar
Seulas bawang putih
Garam(secukup rasa)
10 sudu besar sos tiram
5 sudu besar kicap cair
3 sudu besar serbuk lada hitam
1 labu bawang besar
Seulas bawang putih
Gula (secukup rasa)
Garam (secukup rasa)

Kacau telur bersama serbuk lada hitam dan garam di dalam mangkuk.
Tumiskan bawang bersama pes tomyam. Tambah daun limau purut.
Masukkan telur dan kacau sehingga hancur. Tunggu hingga masak dan ketepikan.
Sumbatkan telur hancur tadi kedalam sotong yang telah dibersihkan isi dan cucuk dengan lidi.
Tumis bahan B di atas api sederhana dan masukkan sotong.
Tunggu hingga sotong cukup masak.
Taburkan sedikit cili merah dihiris atau daun bawang sebagai hiasan.Sedia untuk dihidang.

*sedap tak makcik?*

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sorry seems to be the hardest word..

Perasaan bersalah amat menebal..

Bersalah dan dihantui perasaan tidak berguna..

Aku benci perasaan macam ni..

Bukan aku pinta semua ini terjadi!

Hakikatnya hati meronta-ronta untuk mengundurkan masa..

Biar terhapus segala kesilapan lampau..

Biar tersedar dari kealpaan, keseronokan dunia..

Padahal pegi Sg.Besar ngan BNO je kot!

Cmane boleh lupaaaaa????

Sorry Cik Qis.

Semalam ada training netball team kol 5pm.

Maybe kami hanyut ditiup angin sayu BNO.

We are sorry T_T

-Cik Dilla yang bersalah-

-tapi aku letak gamba Cik Ana yang tak bersalah kat BNO!haha..-

Sunday, March 13, 2011

what a relevation!!!!(apadia tak tau)

1st time saya ngaja di mana i could see little lightbulbs springing up atas kepala murid-murid.haha. you could see it in their faces!

ngarot apekah?

as much as i hate to admit, saya ni belum boleh dikategorikan sebagai the best teacher out there. mula-mula masuk dulu memang bekobar-kobar nak didik anak bangsa. nak curah ilmu di dada. nak nyanyi lagu kami guru malaysiaaaaaaa..kih3..

on the first day saya masuk kelas.saya study bagai nak rak the week before. ada lecturer senior lalu siap cakap "fuyooo,stadi tuuuuu" (okie, deflated gak time tu). then masuk kelas, pungpangpungpangpungpang.

"faham sume????"

*krik krik krik*

tu bunyik cengkerik la woi.haha.

okie lah.sedih kot kalau kita bersemangat seorang diri T_T

now it's almost the 7th week. saya cuba selitkan different things time mengaja. Alhamdulillah, the response was positive. (nak cerita panjang2 kurang rajin)

long story short, pengajaranya if at first we fail..try and try again. the ultimate failure would be in never trying. this is a friendly neighbourhood message to yours truly. bila down.please read this post okie. it was so nice to see them so interested with what you were saying kan?;p

*end of mengarotnes*

Saturday, February 12, 2011

for the sake of updating

bz jugak jadi lecturer kolej komuniti ni.pantang tergoyang kaki sikit dah kene kerah.hehe. tapi tak apa lah.demi anak2 murid terchentaaaaaa..