Monday, December 15, 2014


Title is a western marriage vow. Most probably tiada kaitan langsung dengan entry. Heh. I was thinking of an informative blogpost. A recipe, a review or something. Tapi malas nak fikir. I just needed to write.

Today marks the 6th month I've worked here in Tawau. No closer to feeling at home and at ease yet. I blame in on the pregnancy hormones though ;p

What i could tell you I've learned though, online information for finding stuff or places here in Tawau are still way left behind. I was so used to just googling everything that it sometimes frustrates me not to be able to do the same here. Bloggers pun maybe tak ramai kot kat sini. Most establishments kat sini don't even own an FB page.

Well, i might be picking on small irrelevant issues there. Not complaining. But still thinking on what to do. Maybe after the baby I'd update infos and tips here if I have the energy and time.

For now though, I'm just missing home.. where there are Big Bad Wolf Book Sale and Baby Expos..hahah..cuti and tiket semua tak kena time expo best2..

Assalamu'alaikum. Till we meet again =)